Repair Cafes
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 484 , Segment 4
Mexico Relations, Presidential Lawsuits, Endangered Species
Episode: Mexico Relations, Presidential Lawsuits, Endangered Species
- Feb 8, 2017
- 15:48 mins
Guest: Martine Postma, founder of Repair Cafes When your toaster breaks, or your favorite blouse has a hole in it, or the soles of your shoes wear out—your first instinct may be to throw them away. But what if those items could easily be fixed….for free? Repair cafes are popping up around the US, and they offer a place for people to bring their broken items and learn how to repair them with the help of a knowledgeable volunteer. The cafes originated with a Dutch woman named Martine Postma; since she opened the first one in 2009, more than 1,100 repair cafes have popped up in 29 different countries. Get your repair starter kit here.