The Grateful Life
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 3, Episode 164
- Dec 11, 2014 7:00 am
- 1:32:28 mins
Matt and Nina Lesowitz discuss gratitude. Nina talks about living in the moment. Nina suggests that altruism increases the sense of gratitude people feel. She mentions a study that found a linear relationship between praying for the poor and feeling a greater amount of gratitude. Contributor Jenny Layton (thehappygal.com) suggests that people must tailor and design the holidays to be what they want them to be. If people aren't proactive about the holidays, the chaos will unfold around them, and it won't be a pleasant searson. One way to be proactive is by taking care of yourself. This gives you a lot of power and confidence to take care of other worries that inevitably come up.