Things Gone Awry
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 796
- Aug 21, 2018 6:00 am
- 56:40 mins
"To go awry" means something goes “away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course”. Pecos Bill by Tim Lowry (1:30) Pecos Bill loses his love amongst other mishaps that characterize his life. Learn more about Tim Lowry by visiting: storytellertimlowry.com The Singing Bone by Ingrid Nixon (14:15) A wild boar is wreaking havoc in a kingdom so the king decrees a reward for anyone who can kill it. Two brothers join forces but one of them manipulates the situation for his personal gain. Learn more about Ingrid Nixon by visiting: www.ingridnixon.com Of Chips and Fire by Michael Wunderli (22:30) Michael shares the story of his father's biggest infraction with the law. Michael Wunderli is the founder and president of the Storytelling in Law Club at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University. The Wooden Sword by Syd Lieberman (32:39) A king goes out amongst his people and finds a man very happy. The man says he’s happy because God takes care of him. The King is miffed that he didn’t get credit for the man’s happiness so he throws wrenches in his employment to try and make him change is mind. Learn more about the late Syd Lieberman by visiting: www.sydlieberman.com The Green Hand by Joel Ben Izzy (39:11) Joel gets hired to tell stories at an Italian camp and the lady in charge keeps asking him to tell the story of the green hand--which he doesn’t know. Joel goes on to learn the story and things get out of hand from there. Learn more about Joel Ben Izzy by visiting: www.storypage.com