Comedians and Mental Health, Immigration Policy

Comedians and Mental Health, Immigration Policy

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 83

  • Apr 8, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:25:23 mins

Comedians and Mental Health (16:07) Dr. Gordon Claridge is Emeritus Professor of Abnormal Psychology at Oxford University and Emeritus Fellow of Magdalen College. Claridge is best known for his work in developing the theoretical construct of schizotypy. Schizotypy is the putative dimension, normally distributed throughout the population, whose defining characteristic is that of proneness to develop schizophrenia in particular and psychosis in general. Mental health is no laughing matter, but many comedians suffer from mental health challenges. Dr. Claridge studies the benefits that come from psychotic traits.  Trump’s Immigration Policies (1:06:58) Kevin Johnson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at US Davis Law School and a Professor of Public Interest Law and of Chicana Studies at UC Davis.  He has taught a wide array of classes, including immigration law, civil procedure, complex litigation, Latinos and Latinas and the law, and Critical Race Theory. Dean Johnson blogs at ImmigrationProf, and is a regular contributor on immigration on SCOTUSblog. President Trump’s immigration policies have been a huge part of his presidential administration.  Although his efforts have focused on the Middle East, his current policies concerning Latin America is very similar to the Obama Administration.  His main focus has been deporting undocumented immigrants with criminal histories.  Dean Johnson explains. Why We Should Not Know Our Own Passwords (1:53:47) Dr. Megan Squire, a professor of computing science at Elon University in North Carolina. Since 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have been able to search electronic devices carried by citizens and non-citizens are they enter the country.  It has been suggested that this vetting should also include harvesting social media password.  This violates the first rule of online security: Don’t share your passwords.  This has caused major problems for private citizens and government employees alike. Dr. Megan Squire discusses the importance and challenges around password protection.

Episode Segments

Trump's Immigration Policies

Apr 8, 2017
46 m

Kevin Johnson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at US Davis Law School and a Professor of Public Interest Law and of Chicana Studies at UC Davis.  He has taught a wide array of classes, including immigration law, civil procedure, complex litigation, Latinos and Latinas and the law, and Critical Race Theory. Dean Johnson blogs at ImmigrationProf, and is a regular contributor on immigration on SCOTUSblog. President Trump’s immigration policies have been a huge part of his presidential administration.  Although his efforts have focused on the Middle East, his current policies concerning Latin America is very similar to the Obama Administration.  His main focus has been deporting undocumented immigrants with criminal histories.  Dean Johnson explains.

Kevin Johnson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at US Davis Law School and a Professor of Public Interest Law and of Chicana Studies at UC Davis.  He has taught a wide array of classes, including immigration law, civil procedure, complex litigation, Latinos and Latinas and the law, and Critical Race Theory. Dean Johnson blogs at ImmigrationProf, and is a regular contributor on immigration on SCOTUSblog. President Trump’s immigration policies have been a huge part of his presidential administration.  Although his efforts have focused on the Middle East, his current policies concerning Latin America is very similar to the Obama Administration.  His main focus has been deporting undocumented immigrants with criminal histories.  Dean Johnson explains.