Wits Guts and Grit of Kids

Wits Guts and Grit of Kids

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 112 , Segment 3

Libraries in the Internet Age, Art of Marriage, Grit of Kids

Episode: Libraries in the Internet Age, Art of Marriage, Grit of Kids

  • May 10, 2018 4:00 pm
  • 32:54 mins

Jena Pincott is a Science writer and author of several popular science books. Jena Pincott writes about the quirky, hidden side of science — the shocking, subconscious, under-the-radar stuff. Are your kids developing resilience? Is there a way to measure that attribute? Jena Pincott, author of the new book “Wits, Guts, and Grit All Natural Biohacks for Raising Smart, Resilient Kids teaches us some tips about how to best help our kids.