Sean Moothart: How does my faith impact my politics?
Take a Leap - Season 2025, Episode 10
- Jan 21, 2025 7:00 am
- 23:05 mins
Sean Moothart explains how his involvement in public policy helps the margins of society. By following this Christlike call to action, Sean tells the TAL hosts about a few times that he has seen blessings come because of his work in public transportation; by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. Working in public policy is just one of the many ways that we can show other people we care about them—how can you pay this sentiment forward? Sean recently earned his master's from the LBJ School of Public Affairs and works as a transportation policy analyst for UT Austin. He serves as an alternate member of Austin's Bicycle Advisory Council, advocating for safer streets for all modes of travel. Outside of work, Sean enjoys gardening, hiking, biking, and is involved with St. James Episcopal and University Christian, where he supports efforts to bridge gaps between the Church and marginalized communities. Take a Leap is a production of BYUradio.