A Visit with Donna Washington
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 652
- Oct 3, 2017 6:00 am
- 58:28 mins
Storyteller Donna Washington collects and shares stories from all over the world, with audiences all over the world. We caught up with her at the St. Louis Storytelling Festival, where we heard her perform for audiences of all ages. On today’s episode, we’ll share a recording of a performance for a group of St. Louis elementary school students, as well as a conversation following the gig. It’s stories from India, Germany, China, and the USA, with Donna Washington, on today’s episode of the Apple Seed: Tellers and Stories. Find more of Donna and her work at www.dlwstoryteller.com The Brahman, the Tiger, and the Mouse (1:30) Donna Washington Interview (15:28) A Knock at the Door (24:41) Brer Possum and the Frogs (35:34) The Blanket and the Bowl (51:22)