U.S. Voting Problems, Digital Self-Harm, Screen Cleaning

U.S. Voting Problems, Digital Self-Harm, Screen Cleaning

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 286

  • Dec 1, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:27:46 mins

Two big problems with American voting that have nothing to do with Russian hacking (21:58) Sascha Meinrath is the Palmer Chair in Telecommunications at Penn State and director of X-Lab, an innovative think tank focusing on the intersection of vanguard technologies and public policy. Professor Meinrath is a renowned technology policy expert and is internationally recognized for his work over the past two decades as a community internet pioneer, social entrepreneur and angel investors. Over the past year, the public discussion on election security and integrity has focused on concerns about foreign meddling in U.S. elections. The evidence is still coming in about which countries did what to influence both the public and the election itself. Sascha Meinrath discusses the problems with American voting beyond Russia. Liana Tan - Life Hacks (44:41) Life can throw us strange curve balls on the daily. We might not be able to dodge all of them, but one of our producers, Liana Tan, is going to give us a few tips and hacks on how we can beat life’s everyday difficulties. Digital Self-harm (1:09:24) Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., is a professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. His latest book: "Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices" came out in May of 2016. Dr. Patchin has written eight books and dozens of articles for academic and professional publications. He studies the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying, social networking, and sexting. Cyberbullying has recently become a huge issue not only because of the hurt it causes, but also because it can be linked to suicide. But, did you know that some of these harsh messages come from the victims themselves? In a nationwide survey of middle and high school students ages 12 to 17, about 6 percent said they’d anonymously posted something mean about themselves online. Justin Patchin shares his research into digital self-harm. Screen Cleaning (1:37:44) Jeff Simpson talks about movies and TV helping you find family-friendly options

Episode Segments

Two big problems with American voting that have nothing to do with Russian hacking

Dec 1, 2017
22 m

Sascha Meinrath is the Palmer Chair in Telecommunications at Penn State and director of X-Lab, an innovative think tank focusing on the intersection of vanguard technologies and public policy. Professor Meinrath is a renowned technology policy expert and is internationally recognized for his work over the past two decades as a community internet pioneer, social entrepreneur and angel investors. Over the past year, the public discussion on election security and integrity has focused on concerns about foreign meddling in U.S. elections. The evidence is still coming in about which countries did what to influence both the public and the election itself. Sascha Meinrath discusses the problems with American voting beyond Russia.

Sascha Meinrath is the Palmer Chair in Telecommunications at Penn State and director of X-Lab, an innovative think tank focusing on the intersection of vanguard technologies and public policy. Professor Meinrath is a renowned technology policy expert and is internationally recognized for his work over the past two decades as a community internet pioneer, social entrepreneur and angel investors. Over the past year, the public discussion on election security and integrity has focused on concerns about foreign meddling in U.S. elections. The evidence is still coming in about which countries did what to influence both the public and the election itself. Sascha Meinrath discusses the problems with American voting beyond Russia.

Digital Self-harm

Dec 1, 2017
28 m

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., is a professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. His latest book: "Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices" came out in May of 2016. Dr. Patchin has written eight books and dozens of articles for academic and professional publications. He studies the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying, social networking, and sexting. Cyberbullying has recently become a huge issue not only because of the hurt it causes, but also because it can be linked to suicide. But, did you know that some of these harsh messages come from the victims themselves? In a nationwide survey of middle and high school students ages 12 to 17, about 6 percent said they’d anonymously posted something mean about themselves online. Justin Patchin shares his research into digital self-harm.

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., is a professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. His latest book: "Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices" came out in May of 2016. Dr. Patchin has written eight books and dozens of articles for academic and professional publications. He studies the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying, social networking, and sexting. Cyberbullying has recently become a huge issue not only because of the hurt it causes, but also because it can be linked to suicide. But, did you know that some of these harsh messages come from the victims themselves? In a nationwide survey of middle and high school students ages 12 to 17, about 6 percent said they’d anonymously posted something mean about themselves online. Justin Patchin shares his research into digital self-harm.