MLK's Last, Unrecognized Legacy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 989 , Segment 1
MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance
Episode: MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance
- Jan 21, 2019 11:00 pm
- 20:25 mins
Guest: Michael Honey, PhD, Fred and Dorothy Haley Professor of Humanities, University of Washington Tacoma, Author of "To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice" On this national holiday honoring Dr. King, we remember his civil rights legacy and iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. But we rarely hear about what he did after Congress passed landmark Civil Rights and voting legislation. He organized a fight for economic justice called the "Poor People's Campaign” –it was the reason he was in Memphis the day he was assassinated.