Traveling with Mental Health Conditions
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 316 , Segment 1
Traveling with Mental Health Conditions, Holiday Budgeting, Healthy Skin and Lifestyle, Doggy Dental Care, Keep Your Brain Healthy, Leading with Inspiration
Episode: Traveling with Mental Health Conditions, Holiday Budgeting, Healthy Skin and Lifestyle, Doggy Dental Care, Keep Your Brain Healthy, Leading with Inspiration
- Dec 5, 2019 3:00 pm
- 14:20 mins
Traveling can be a joyful escape from routine, especially around the holiday season. But for those who have a mental health condition, traveling can seem like a nightmare. Ticket costs, missed flights, overbooking, and overall fatigue can make a simple trip seem like a mountain of a problem that is much too tall to climb. Luckily, we have Erika Nielsen with us to share some tips on how to travel with a mental health condition. As a professional musician diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Erika brings a unique perspective to this topic as she has experienced quite a bit first-hand.