Motivation, Summer Reading, Meditation, Dungeons and Dragons, Keeping Kids Busy, Astronomical Occurrences

Motivation, Summer Reading, Meditation, Dungeons and Dragons, Keeping Kids Busy, Astronomical Occurrences

The Lisa Show

  • Jun 3, 2019 4:00 pm
  • 1:41:01 mins
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Motivation Mondays (00:00) Mornings can be pretty exhausting between keeping a family from descending into chaos and making a living. We could all probably use some help getting motivated at the start of the day. To give us some tips on how to stay energized, we’re joined by motivation speaker and author Michelle McCullough.  Summer Reading (17:23) For a lot of kids around the country, this month marked the end of school and the start of summer vacation. To these kids, summer means staying up late, sleeping in, watching TV, and most of all, not doing any school work. But a recent study shows that kids lose an average of 2-3 months of reading skills during the summer, severely setting them back before the start of the next school year. So how can we help our kids read during their time off? To get some advice, we’re joined by literacy expert Timothy Shanahan.  Meditation (35:33) Have you ever wondered about meditation? Does it seem foreign to you? Well we are joined by Tracy Shors to talk about the benefits and basics of meditation and if it just might be the right practice for you. Dungeons and Dragons (50:38) You’ve seen Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia: Which begs the question-- have you ever wanted to be an elf? A dwarf? A wizard? Well, the popular game Dungeons and Dragons offers that very dream. Today we are speaking with Greg Tito from Dungeons and Dragons about what it is and why it’s getting so popular.  Keeping Kids Busy in the Summer (1:01:41) Summer can be a great time for family and relaxation... but getting off the school routine can make your kids anxious and antsy. Today we have Carrie Ann Rhodes with us again to teach us how we can keep our kids busy this summer season. Astronomical Occurrences for 2019 (1:27:33) We go about our daily lives living on this beautiful Earth, but how often do we take the time to look up? There’s so much more to the world than just what is planted beneath our feet. Today we’re talking about what going on in the sky and discovering what shows the stars are putting on for us this year.  Dr. Denise Stephens is an expert in physics and astronomy. She joins us to talk about astronomical events to look out for in 2019.

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