Grief and Eating Disorders

Grief and Eating Disorders

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 665 , Segment 1

Celebrating the Black Identity and The Iditarod

Episode: Celebrating the Black Identity and The Iditarod

  • Feb 26, 2021 1:00 pm
  • 15:17 mins

This past year was one mostly filled with grief. Due to the pandemic, people have had to deal with losses of great proportions. While grief is a natural part of life, sometimes that grief can transform into something much more harmful. One of the ways grief can manifest itself is through an eating disorder. But why is that the case? And how can we help those we know are struggling? Today we will be talking with Dr. Carolyn Ross, a CEO, author, and expert in using integrative medicine for treatment of food and body image issues and addictions. She will be talking with us about how grief may be causing an eating disorder, and how we can help ourself or those suffering.