Saving Parasites?

Saving Parasites?

Constant Wonder

  • Aug 21, 2020 6:00 pm
  • 52:48 mins
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Saving the World . . . Even the Parasites Guest: Chelsea Wood, Assistant Professor, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington Parasites could be as important in our ecosystems as top predators—like wolves and sharks, the ones we tried to eradicate and then brought back—and it’s high time we started considering them in our conservation efforts despite our long-held mistrust of mosquitoes, nematodes and the like. Bringing Back Helpful Gut Worms Guest: William Parker, Associate Professor, Surgery, Duke University School of Medicine Things that we think of as harmful to our bodies may actually be crucial to our health. Bacteria were once labeled as the universal enemy, but we now know some of them to be helpful. This might be the case for some parasites such as intestinal worms.