North Pole, Alaska & Santa Claus, Indiana

North Pole, Alaska & Santa Claus, Indiana

Special Collections - Season 1, Episode 31

  • Dec 22, 2018 4:00 pm
  • 48:47 mins

Many children wish they could visit Santa at his workshop at the North Pole, but that is impossible. Or is it? Turns out, there is an actual town called North Pole, and it’s about as close to the actual North Pole as you’d ever want to get. Located in central Alaska, North Pole remembers Christmas well past December with the slogan, “Where the Spirit of Christmas Lives Year Round.” And ever wonder where a letter addressed to Santa actually ends up? Surprisingly, a lot of letters find their way to Indiana of all places - Santa Claus, Indiana to be specific. Yes, there really is a town named Santa Claus, and there are few places that get into the Christmas spirit quite as well. Today we get into the Christmas spirit through interviews with both towns - from Santa Claus we have Melissa Arnold, the Executive Director of the Spencer County Visitors Bureau, and from North Pole we have Mayor Mike Welch. Also in today’s episode, learn about some ways that big cities celebrate the holidays and build up your Christmas trivia with some Christmas-themed world records. Also, find out how Santa learns whether you’ve been naughty or nice though Santa’s Hotline, and hear some adorable answers to our man-on-the-street segment, where we ask kids what they would get their parents for Christmas. From all of us at Special Collections, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!