Best 2019 Recipes, Cultural Food, Procrastination, Teaching Consent, Spirit Run, Girls Summit

Best 2019 Recipes, Cultural Food, Procrastination, Teaching Consent, Spirit Run, Girls Summit

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 408

  • Mar 4, 2020 7:00 am
  • 1:41:15 mins
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Best Recipes of 2019 (0:00:00) Looking back, 2019 was a momentous year –2 women completed the first all-woman spacewalk, social justice protests shook the world, and we almost succeeded in storming Area 51. But aside from major world issues, there was also a lot going on in the food world in 2019. With online recipe blogs gaining more popularity than ever, we got to see (and taste) some pretty unique dishes. So, what were some of the best recipes of 2019? We invited Chef Todd Leonard to join us on the show today to discuss his personal favorite recipes of last year. The Importance of Cultural Food (0:17:30) When I see a yummy dish of Thai food in front of me, I sometimes feel like the old witch with the apple from Snow White: “One bite, and all your dreams will come true!” Food is literally a part of us. But not only does the food we eat fill our stomachs, it also plays a vital role in defining and preserving our diverse cultures. With us today to discuss the importance of cultural food is Megan Elias, Director of the Gastronomy Program at Boston University and editor of the Journal, Food, Culture & Society. Why We Procrastinate (0:35:04) I’ve come to the conclusion that the word “Deadlines” got its name because we feel dead by the time we meet them. Even though they’re put in place to help us be timely and efficient, many of us find ourselves procrastinating projects till the day they’re due instead of spreading them out over a period of time. Why do we put ourselves through such extreme stress and put things off until we have no choice but to run around like a maniac to finish them? Here to explain why procrastination is a result of more than just pure laziness is Dr. Timothy Pychyl. He is the author of “Procrastination, Health and Well-Being” and an internationally respected professor of Psychology. Teaching Consent (0:50:38) Even though consent is an important idea, it's often missing from many "birds and the bees" talks. This is an uncomfortable conversation to have with our kids, but making sure to i