Shorter Work Weeks, In-Law Relationships, Early Signs of MS, Village Book Builders, Best Skin Care Products, Cars That Care

Shorter Work Weeks, In-Law Relationships, Early Signs of MS, Village Book Builders, Best Skin Care Products, Cars That Care

The Lisa Show

  • Mar 23, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:10 mins
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Shorter Work Weeks (0:00:00) Who doesn’t love the weekend? Well, maybe you could love it even more if you had an extra day of leisure time. A new trend is happening throughout the country where many companies and people are focusing on having a 4-day work week. This extra day off has been piloted in companies like Microsoft, and they saw an increase in performance and work productivity. Perhaps this will be the trend that all businesses will work towards? To discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a 4-day work week is career development manager Justin “job coach” Jones. In-Law Relationships (0:19:31) When you marry your spouse, you’re also marrying their family. Sometimes the in-laws are wonderful to be around, but other times they make you question why you ever considered marrying into their family in the first place. But while you don’t get to pick your family, you do get some say in how your relationship is going to be. While everyone’s relationship with their in-laws is different, some are seriously struggling with theirs. Joining us to discuss how to repair relationships with our in-laws is Dr. Andrea Polard, a psychologist and author. Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (0:33:50) The number of Americans suffering with Multiple Sclerosis has nearly doubled since the last reported number in 1975. MS affects nearly 1 million Americans. What do you know about this growing disease? Maybe it’s time to learn more. MS often develops between the ages of 20 and 50, and women are three times more likely to develop it. Here to help us understand Multiple Sclerosis is Dr. Barbara Giesser, an internationally recognized clinician specializing in MS. In 2018, she was elected into the Volunteer Hall of Fame by the National MS Society. Village Book Builders (0:50:30) I love books. I feel like when I walk into a library, I’m immediately surrounded by some of my closest friends. But not everyone is as lucky to have access to so many stories at their fingertips. Some people haven’t even had an education where they’re taught how to read. But our next guest is working to bring books to families around the world. Tyler Clarkis the CEO and Founder of the nonprofit organization, Village Book Builders. He believes that access to books and education can help end the cycle of poverty, and he is here to discuss how his organization is helping to do just that. Best Skin Care Products (1:08:52) Few things are more relaxing than lighting a candle and putting on a cool face mask at the end of the day. But do you ever wonder if the face mask is actually helping your complexion? Or do you ever stroll the skin care isle at Target in hopes to find a new cream, and leave feeling overwhelmed by the options and worrying that you chose the wrong one? Me too. In today’s world full of skin care products and advice, I don’t know which products to trust and whose opinion to follow. Lucky for us, dermatologist of over 30 years, Dr. Cynthia Bailey, is here with us today to share the best products we can trust for our skin. Cars That Care (1:25:48) How important to you is your car? For a single mother, it can be everything: it's how you drive your kids to school, how you get to your job, and how you run the seemingly endless errands for your family every day. But with nearly one third of all single mothers living below the poverty line, owning a car is not always a reality. This is what inspired the creation of Cars that Care, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing cars to single mothers in need. Joining us on the show today is its founder, Earl DeWaal. He’s here to talk with us about Cars that Care and what inspired his work.