Jambalaya Twenty-Two
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 204
- Aug 6, 2014 6:00 am
- 58:13 mins
Stories and songs included in this episode: Glenda Bonin Story 1: The Goatherder and The Wild Goats Teller: Glenda Bonin Site: www.storyworksgroup.com Notes: A parable about the importance of being kind to strangers. Linda Gorham Story 2: Cornbread Man Teller: Linda Gorham Site: www.lindagorham.com Notes: You've heard of the gingerbread man, right? Well, get ready to hear the adventures of the cornbread man! Bill Harley Story 3: Staying Up (Nothing Happened) Teller: Bill Harley Site: www.billharley.com Notes: A young boy wonders what goes on in his house after he falls asleep at night. Barbara Schutzgruber Story 4: The Bride Teller: Barbara Schutzgruber Site: www.weavestory.com Notes: A song about the marriage of a cunning young woman and a devoted young man. Judith Heineman Story 5: Briar Rose: The Real Story of Sleeping Beauty Teller: Judith Heineman Site: www.storytelling.org Notes: A realistically dark telling of the Grimm Brother's classic tale. Don Edwards Song 1: Sage & Cedar/Shenandoah Teller: Don Edwards & Waddie Mitchell Site: http://www.westernjubilee.com/ Notes: A performance of "Shenandoah," a traditional American folk song, featuring original poetry read by Waddie Mitchell and orchestration provided by the Worth Symphony Orchestra.