Popular Colleges, Homesteading, Letterjoy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 763
- Mar 7, 2018 7:00 am
- 1:42:46 mins
How Colleges Gauge Their Popularity - and Why BYU Ranks So Highly Guest: Eric Hoover, Chronicle of Higher Education Acceptance emails will soon be landing in inboxes – if they haven’t already. Social media feeds are buzzing with excited posts from proud parents of the latest young people to be “#BYUbound.” Brigham Young University seems to be among the earliest in the nation to get acceptance notices out. It’s also near the very top of the nation in something called “yield rate.” How the U.S. Justice System Can Better Serve Victims of Domestic Violence Guest: Andrew King-Ries, JD, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Montana, former state prosecutor It takes a lot of courage for victims of domestic violence to speak out against their abusers, so when a perpetrator is successfully prosecuted, it’s a victory. At least that’s what former prosecutor Andrew King-Ries used to believe. But he had one victim tell him he had ruined her life when her abusive boyfriend was locked up. What more was he, as a prosecutor, supposed to do? King-Ries has come to believe the justice system could be doing a lot more for victims of domestic violence. The Legacy of Homesteading Guest: Rick Edwards, PhD, Director, Center for Great Plains Studies, Emeritus Senior Vice Chancellor, Professor of Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, who of course issued the Emancipation Proclamation, also signed into law The Homestead Act of 1820, which reshaped the American West and was – according to the National Park Service, one of the “most visionary . . . pieces of legislation in American history.” Today, 20 percent of us in America have an ancestor who was a homesteader. They story of hardscrabble life on the frontier is deeply ingrained in our national identity, with special thanks to Laura Ingalls Wilder and Willa Cather. But did you know that historians typically see the Homestead Act in less flattering light? They say it was ineffective, filled with fraud and central to the displacement of American Indians. Whi