Palestinian Hope for Peace
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 265 , Segment 1
Palestinian Hope for Peace, Crane Migration, Web Therapy
Episode: Palestinian Hope for Peace, Crane Migration, Web Therapy
- Mar 31, 2016 9:00 pm
- 18:20 mins
Guest: Zaid Malhees, Senior at BYU studying Genetics and Biotechnology There is so much conflict in the world today, physically and rhetorically. Zaid Malhees is a young Arab born in East Jerusalem, raised in Ramallah in the Palestinian-controlled West Bank. Growing up he needed a permit to cross into the part of Jerusalem where his aunt lives, where he was born. He felt treated as a second-class citizen. He understands the hate that has driven decades of violence between Palestinians and Israelis. But he also has hope – and hearing him talk about it is both inspiring and enlightening.