The Dirty Secret About Recycling
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 875 , Segment 1
The Dirty Secrets About Recycling, Apollo 8: The Most Daring of the Moon Missions
Episode: The Dirty Secrets About Recycling, Apollo 8: The Most Daring of the Moon Missions
- Aug 10, 2018 9:00 pm
- 50:52 mins
Guests: Kate O’Neill, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, University of California, Berkeley; Bill Rudy, Recycling and Solid Waste Supervisor, Brigham Young University The campaign to ban plastic straws is in full gear. But plastic straws are only a tiny part of the problem. While most people now seem happy to toss bottles in the blue bin, no one seems really sure where it goes from there. What do we know about our plastic waste? And how much of what we think we know is wrong?