Jambalaya Forty-Six
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 334
- Jul 29, 2015 6:00 am
- 52:07 mins
Stories included in this episode: Mitch Capel Song: I Can Fly Teller: Grandaddy Junebug (Mitch Capel) Site: www.gjbug.com Notes: Margaret Read MacDonald \*\*Story: Pickin' Peas Teller: Margaret Reed MacDonald Site: www.margaretreadmacdonald.com Notes:\*\* Willy Claflin Story: Little Freddy and His Whistle Teller: Willy Claflin Site: www.willyclaflin.com Notes: Jess Smith Story: Riverbank Mole Teller: Jess Smith Site: www.jesssmith.co.uk Notes: Big Joe Pagliuca Story: Anansi and the Strange Green Rock Teller: Big Joe Site: www.bigjoe.com Notes: Story: Rooster with a Magic Stomach Teller: Ed Stivender Site: edstivender.com Notes: The Storycrafters Story: Donkey and Toad Teller: The Storycrafters Site: www.storycrafters.com Notes: