Peering Under Paintings

Peering Under Paintings

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Space Travel, Peering Under Paintings, America’s Wars

Episode: Space Travel, Peering Under Paintings, America’s Wars

  • Jul 22, 2021 8:00 pm
  • 11:49 mins

Rembrandt was known for painting his masterpieces on top of other paintings he wasn’t happy with. Van Gogh notoriously used unstable pigments that changed color over time. Several famous paintings by Vermeer may not be Vermeer paintings after all. In recent years, scientists have adapted cameras initially designed for spy agencies to uncover the hidden secrets of famous art. We find out the secrets from John Delaney, senior imaging scientist at the National Gallery of Art, and Dina Anchin, a painting conservator at the National Gallery. (Segment produced by Olivia Young)