Unnamed Sources, Family-Owned Companies, Parent Previews

Unnamed Sources, Family-Owned Companies, Parent Previews

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 35

  • Feb 10, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:27:53 mins

Unnamed Sources (18:33) Dr. Anthony Fargo is an associate professor at Indiana University and founding director of the Center for International Media Law and Policy Studies. Professor Fargo focuses on legal issues raised by newsgathering practices and techniques, specifically issues raised by the relationships between reporters and sources. Leaks and unnamed sources have been in the news lately and seem to continue to become more common. How can we know what to make of these news articles? Dr. Fargo explains. Makena Bauss - Nap Clubs (44:22) Research shows that the many teenagers are not getting enough sleep, which can lead to a variety of health and academic issues. Educators and administrators are now coming up with some creative solutions including Nap clubs, where students meet and rest quietly. Some see it as coddling the next generation but the science says it may be a good idea. Business is Business: Reality Checks for Family-Owned Companies (1:05:39) Kathy Kolbe is the global leader in discovering and accessing the power of human instincts. She has done the brain research to prove the relevance of her Kolbe Theory of Conation to individual and organizational success. Kolbe was the first person to connect conative behavior to instinctive drives, which she postulated as the source of the patterns of mental energy commonly known as a person’s MO. Kathy, along with her daughter Amy Bruske, wrote the book BUSINESS IS BUSINESS: Reality Checks for Family-Owned Companies. Whether it’s a farm, a bakery, or “olive oil importing” getting involved in a family business can be dangerous. How do you navigate the tricky world of business when personal relationships are on the line?  Liana Tan - Bad Dates (1:33:25) Dating can be difficult. We've all had those moments where we're sitting across from a date wondering how our social circles got to be so strange... or those moments where we can almost feel the dreams of a stable, semi-normal relationship slipping through our fingers. Today one of our producers, Liana Tan, will remind us just how rough dating can be by giving us a collection of bad date stories. Parent Previews - Lego Batman, Rings (1:54:32) Rod Gustafson from Parent Previews joins the show to review the new movies The Lego Batman Movie and Rings.