Fall Garden, Trains
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 164
- Oct 23, 2015 6:00 am
- 1:44:38 mins
Fall Garden (1:03) Guests: Max Darrington, Arborist for Brigham Young University; Taun Beddes Horticulturist and Gardening Expert at the Utah County extension of Utah State University; Michael Caron, Expert Gardener with Utah State, based at Thanksgiving Point Depending on where you live in the country, you could be looking at the final few weeks of lawn mowing for the season. Or you may be buried in an endless pile of leaves taunting you and your rake. Maybe you’re worried about getting your bulbs in before the ground freezes. Trains (52:10) Guest: Drake Hokanson, Author and Photographer Before interstates crisscrossed America, rails were the nation’s arteries. The construction of the nation’s first transcontinental line from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, California was a stunning feat that changed the face of the West. Suddenly, Americans and American companies could transport themselves and their goods from coast to coast in a matter of days. New towns sprang up along the rail line. New industries thrived.