Using Facebook to Discover the REAL You

Using Facebook to Discover the REAL You

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 584 , Segment 3

Immigrants and Education, Fraud, Robots Make Pizza

Episode: Immigrants and Education, Fraud, Robots Make Pizza

  • Jun 29, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 16:34 mins

(originally aired March 14, 2017) Guest: Michal Kosinski, PhD, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford When you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed and casually clicking “like” on posts, you’re leaving digital tracks – footprints, as our next guest calls them. And while you may think you’re not revealing anything intimate about yourself, researchers have found that with the right computer algorithm, they can paint a picture of your personality, interests and political views that’s more accurate than your close friends could paint – and in some cases even more accurate than you could describe yourself. The possibilities here are both exciting and terrifying.