And Cut! Designing Costumes for Television and Film

And Cut! Designing Costumes for Television and Film

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 989 , Segment 6

MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance

Episode: MLK, Black Feminism, Bog Bodies, Boredom and Brilliance

  • Jan 21, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 19:52 mins

Guest: Ann Foley, Costume designer for Skyscraper, Altered Carbon, and Agents of Shield Some movie costumes are so iconic that you would recognize from anywhere, such as Dorothy’s checkered blue dress, Indiana Jones’ hat and whip, or Darth Vader’s all-black outfit. Viewers often take film wardrobes for granted, but the right clothing can be essential to bringing a character to life on the big screen.