Why Bother?

Why Bother?

The Lisa Show

First - Time Purchases and The Importance of Taking a Mental Health Day

Episode: First - Time Purchases and The Importance of Taking a Mental Health Day

  • Oct 4, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 16:36 mins

We’ve all been there: you’re overwhelmed with work, house responsibilities, and promises you forgot you made but you intend to keep anyway. Eventually, we come to a point where we stop caring and just want a break and don’t get anything done. It’s not bad to take a break every so often, but this time you don’t want to do anything ever again, but you think to yourself “what’s the harm?” So what is the harm in being complacent? And how can we pull ourselves out of the pit of “not wanting to do anything?” Joining us today is J. Stewart Dixon, mindfulness coach and award-winning author, to tell us why we should care, and how we can find the strength to overcome complacency!