BITES **** -- "Dad Threw the TV Out the Window" by Bill Harley with guest Cole Wissinger
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1168
- Dec 18, 2019 7:00 am
- 9:06 mins
From time to time, we'll post what we call a BITE ("like a regular episode, only shorter!"). We always hope that the stories you listen to on The Apple Seed will spark memories and thoughts that you can share with the ones you love -- perhaps even the people with whom you listen to the show. In a BITE, we'll listen to a single story -- one that we love -- and invite friends to share memories and thoughts that occur to them as they listen to it. Today's BITE features a song by the great Bill Harley called "Dad Threw the TV Out the Window". What at first seems like cruel and unusual punishment turns out to be - perhaps - a blessing in disguise. Sam is joined in the studio by BYU Radio Producer, Cole Wissinger.