Giving Ourselves Cancer, Time Over Money, Summer Fun

Giving Ourselves Cancer, Time Over Money, Summer Fun

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 135

  • Jun 8, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:24:34 mins

We Are Giving Ourselves Cancer (18:50) Dr. Rita Redberg is a cardiologist specializing in heart disease in women. Redberg has written, edited and contributed to many books, including "You Can Be a Woman Cardiologist," "Heart Healthy: The Step-by-Step Guide to Preventing and Healing Heart Disease," and "Coronary Disease in Women: Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment." Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death for Americans, second only to heart disease. The number of lives cancer takes is increasing every year, and Dr. Rita Redberg explains how we may be inflicting some of this on ourselves through the use of CT scans.  Coaches Corner: Value of Fathers (34:16) Dr. Matt Townsend shares some ideas on how you can express to your father how much you appreciate all he has done Valuing Time Over Money (1:04:47) Ashley Whillans is a doctoral student in social psychology at the University of British Columbia.  She was the lead researcher for the recent publication: "Valuing Your Time More Than Money Is Linked To Happiness," which was published in Social Psychological and Personal Science, an online journal. Ashley talks with Dr. Townsend about how valuing time leads to happiness.  Lauren Simpson - Hole Trivia (1:28:06) One of our show producers Lauren Simpson has this app called pocket points, have you heard of this? It’s where you leave the app open on your smartphone with your smartphone off, and you get points for not being on your phone while on college campuses. The idea is to keep students off of their phones while at school. These points can be used to claim coupons from local businesses – and Lauren used her points for a free dozen donuts from Krispy Kream.  Making Summer Matter (1:53:42) Heather Johnson, M.S., has been an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University for nearly 10 years. She is passionate about teaching students the principles behind successful families and the importance of families spending time together. Heather and Dr. Matt talk about low maintenance mothers. Heather and Dr. Townsend talk about how to make the most of the summer.