Soda Taxes Reducing Consumption (Originallay aired March 4, 2019)

Soda Taxes Reducing Consumption (Originallay aired March 4, 2019)

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1079 , Segment 4

Measles, Inuit Parenting, Supervised Injection Sites

Episode: Measles, Inuit Parenting, Supervised Injection Sites

  • May 27, 2019 10:00 pm
  • 16:18 mins

Guest: Kristine Madsen, Faculty Director, Berkeley Food Institute, University of California, Berkeley's School of Public Health Almost half of adults in America have diabetes or are on the verge of getting it if they don’t make some changes. Maybe we could use a nudge? That’s where the soda tax comes in. Nearly 40 countries have them and seven US cities. Berkeley, California was the first to take the plunge. Five years later, there’s some evidence the tax is working.