Falling Cats, Flying Horses & Fearsome Bees
Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 695
- Oct 12, 2020 6:00 am
- 52:41 mins
The Physics of Falling Cats Guest: Greg Gbur, author of "Falling Felines and Fundamental Physics" Why do cats always land on their feet? Turns out it’s a more complex question than you would think. Cats have a surprising history of slinking through science. They have been supporting characters in the history of photography, neuroscience, and space exploration. Eadweard Muybridge: Revolutionary Photographer Guest: Marta Braun, Professor in the School of Image Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto; Director of The Graduate Program in Film and Photography Preservation; and author of "Critical Lives biography, Eadweard Muybridge" How Muybridge got his famous photos of horses with four feet off the ground and settled a scientific score. This was the beginning of animation and also contributed to our understanding of animal physiology. But it touched off legal battles with Leland Stanford, founder of Stanford University. Honeybees Protect African Villages from Elephants Guest: Lucy King, Head of Human-Elephant Co-Existence Program, Save the Elephants, and Research Associate, University of Oxford Although the poaching industry has declined in recent years, elephant-human conflict is on the rise in both Africa and Asia. Foraging for food, elephants often battle against farmers trying to preserve their crop. Lucy King of Save the Elephants weighs in on how honey bees may be a natural and potentially life-saving solution.