Attention-Deficit Disorder
  • Sep 3, 2013 9:00 pm
  • 1:40:04 mins

Matt talks with Marilyn Wedge, author of "Pills Are Not For Pre-Schoolers."  Do we have a chemical problem or an environment problem?  Nearly all mini-vans come with TVs now, and children are surrounded by technology, iPods, DVDs, etc.  Are video games worse than TV? Inattentiveness in children appears to be very rare in France, as opposed to the United States. The gang hypothesizes that the differences in attention spans sprouts from the teaching of self regulation in France. Consequently, this statement would assume that in the United States, teaching of self regulation is not emphasized heavily enough. Throughout time, the evolution of the attention span is analyzed in accord with the evolution of technology. With more options for the expenditure of time, attention spans have decreased dramatically. Parenting can play a large role in the attention spans of children. Children who observe arguments between their parents tend to fret about prospects such as divorce, even if the argument is petty, such as where to go out to dinner. However, the anxiety that such arguments cause children can have a very negative effect upon their attention spans. Furthermore, Matt and Dr. Wedge explore the hypothesis that the French's ability to decrease ADHD can be a result of their strong ability to say "no" to their children on matters such as unrestrained television and video game time. Maintaining a friendly yet firm stance as parents is difficult for many, simply because they do not want to be authoritative figures to their children.