Religion and Politics, Grammar, Materialism and Relationships

Religion and Politics, Grammar, Materialism and Relationships

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 47

  • Feb 24, 2016 2:00 pm
  • 2:22:47 mins

Religion and Politics in the United States (16:03) Dr. Kenneth Wald, a distinguished Professor of Political Science and the Samuel R. "Bud" Shorstein Professor of American Jewish Culture and Society at the University of Florida. Dr. Wald shares his research with religion and politics and his book, Religion and Politics in the United States. His book analyzes many of the nation's political matters regarding religious freedom in modern America. The Sense of Style: A New Approach to Grammar Rules (1:04:28) Steven Pinker is a Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. He conducts research on language and cognition, writes for publications such as the New York Times, Time andThe Atlantic, and is the author of ten books, including "The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century." Steve Pinker discusses how language evolves and how to improve your writing style. Materialism/Consumerism and Relationships (1:49:56) Dr. Tim Kasser is a professor of Psychology at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and has authored numerous scientific articles and book chapters on materialism, values, and goals, among other topics including: The High Price of Materialism, Psychology and Consumer Culture, Meeting Environmental Challenges: The Role of Human Identity, and most recently, Lucy in the Mind of Lennon. He is involved with activist groups who work against the commercialization of children and who work towards a more inwardly rich lifestyle than what is offered by consumerism. Dr. Kasser shares his thoughts on Materialism and relationships.