Holiday Budgeting

Holiday Budgeting

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 316 , Segment 2

Traveling with Mental Health Conditions, Holiday Budgeting, Healthy Skin and Lifestyle, Doggy Dental Care, Keep Your Brain Healthy, Leading with Inspiration

Episode: Traveling with Mental Health Conditions, Holiday Budgeting, Healthy Skin and Lifestyle, Doggy Dental Care, Keep Your Brain Healthy, Leading with Inspiration

  • Dec 5, 2019 3:00 pm
  • 17:24 mins

Christmas shopping. You either love it or you hate it. For many of us, it’s a delicate balancing act between minding our finances and making all those magical Christmas dreams a reality for our loved ones. It’s hard to find where to draw the line! It’s difficult not to feel like the Grinch when your wallet demands you say no. Thankfully we have family finance teacher  Janae Chandler with us to teach us how to provide a magical Christmas for our loved ones without exceeding our means.