Presidential Power, Therapy DIY, Chronic Stress

Presidential Power, Therapy DIY, Chronic Stress

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 61

  • Mar 14, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:23:50 mins

Rein in Presidential Power (17:43) Andrew Rudalevige is a Professor of Government at Bowdoin College and heads the Presidents and Executive Politics section of the American Political Science Association. His book Managing the President’s Program: Presidential Leadership and Legislative Policy Formulation, which won the national Neustadt prize. Throughout every presidential administration, the executive powers of the President and his branch have steadily grown stronger. Bills like REINS Act and the Midnight Rules Relief Act would provide Congress with powers currently held by the executive branch, but also it would make them more accountable to the American people.  Would President Trump relinquish so much power to the Legislative Branch? Andrew Rudalevige explains. Therapy DIY (1:03:45) Jessica Thompson is a therapist in Jamaica and a Buzzfeed contributor. She was previously a Service Coordinator II, at the Hollywood Homeless Services, for the TAY40 Program at Step Up on Second. Jessica Thompson talks with Dr. Townsend about how to do therapy on yourself.  Caitlin Thomas - Why We Love the Bachelor (1:28:36) Well folks, last night something huge happened. Something that will be talked about all across American media for the next week, maybe even two- the Bachelor gave out his final rose. For those who watch or know anything about the show, you know that there are thousands of people, men, and women, across the nation who watch this show. So, why? What is it about this love-searching reality tv show that we love so much? Well, Caitlin Thomas is here with us this morning to help us understand better.  Chronic Stress Makes You Fat (1:53:35) Dr. Ron Hager is an Associate Professor of Exercise Sciences in the College of Life Sciences at Brigham Young University. One of his areas of interest is Chronic Disease Prevention. Dr. Hager explains some new finding involving Chronic Stress and weight gain.