Everyday Rockstar, Writing Children's Books, Kids and Service, Taming Clutter, Being Assertive, STEM Fiction

Everyday Rockstar, Writing Children's Books, Kids and Service, Taming Clutter, Being Assertive, STEM Fiction

The Lisa Show

  • Sep 9, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:33 mins
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Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00) Lisa and Richie talk with this week’s Everyday Rockstar. You can nominate yourself or someone you know by emailing thelisashow@byu.edu. Writing a Children’s Book (0:04:55) What was a book you read as a kid that you will never forget? For one wacky reason or another, we all have books that made a sizeable impact on us as kids. But what exactly goes in to writing a children’s book, and what do authors take into consideration before writing one? Joining us today is the renowned Sarah Weeks, a bestselling children’s author widely known for her book “So B. It.” She’s here with us to discuss what goes in to her process for writing a story for children. Helping Your Kids Get into Service (0:22:00) Getting your kids to pull weeds at Grandma’s can feel like pulling teeth. Whether you have a moody teenager or a distracted toddler, children aren’t always thrilled about serving others. How can you help them not only serve more often, but do it with a smile on their face? Here to help answer that question is Gina James, mother, educator, and my little sister. Taming Toy Clutter (0:36:32) Toys—they’re everywhere. Spilling out of boxes and bins, strewn over couches and chairs, and layered so thickly on the ground you can’t see the floor. And, worst of all, Lego bricks hiding in the carpet waiting to inflict pain on unsuspecting feet. If you’re feeling like toys have taken over your home, worry no more! Here to discuss with us how to reclaim our homes from toy takeover is home and sustainability writer, Laura Fenton! Techniques for Being Assertive (1:12:08) Do you ever leave a discussion or argument feeling totally defeated, only to come up with the perfect rebuttal the next morning in the shower or on your drive to work? I don’t know of a soul who hasn’t experienced this. The reality is, being persuasive or assertive can be difficult, and even requires practice. Well here with us today to share techniques on being more persuasive and assertive is family lawyer and author of the new book “The Conflict Resolution Grail,” Meysa Maleki. STEM Fiction Celebrating Girls (1:27:32) One aspect of girls’ education that we need to do a better job focusing on is STEM—science, technology, engineering and mathematics. How do we get them involved and how do we encourage them to pursue those fields? Well today, we are speaking with Valerie Tripp, the author of National Geographic’s new STEM-based series to talk about how we can empower girls through literature.