Fairy Tales
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 174
- Jun 2, 2014 6:00 am
- 58:29 mins
Stories included in this episode: Megan Hicks Story 1: The Shoemaker and the Elves Teller: Megan Hicks Site: http://www.meganhicks.com/ Notes: A cobbler show's his gratitude to the mysterious creatures that finish his work each night. Priscilla Howe Story 2: The Small-Tooth Dog Teller: Priscilla Howe Site: http://www.priscillahowe.com/ Notes: The lesser-known English version of the classic "Beauty and the Beast" story. Richard Martin Story 3: The Well of the World's End Teller: Richard Martin Site: http://www.tellatale.eu/ Notes: An authentic fairy tale from the Scottish Lowlands about a young girl and a mysterious frog. Ed Stivender Story 4: The Princess and the Frog Teller: Ed Stivender Site: http://edstivender.com/ Notes: This retelling of the "Princess and the Frog" fairy tale will leave you in stitches, and it just goes to show that Ed Stivender is the master when it comes to retooling classic fairy tales for a modern audience. Donna Washington Story 5: Vassalissa and the Babba Yagga Teller: Donna Washington Site: http://www.donnawashington.com/ Notes: A Russian fairy tale about a brave girl's journey from subservience to strength and independence.