Stimulus Checks, Resolving Conflict, Giving Hope, Environment and Mental Health, Bravery in Adversity, Social Distancing and the Disabled

Stimulus Checks, Resolving Conflict, Giving Hope, Environment and Mental Health, Bravery in Adversity, Social Distancing and the Disabled

The Lisa Show

  • Apr 15, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:40:56 mins
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Corona Stimulus Checks (0:00:00) I think it’s safe to say that coronavirus has put all of us in a bind, especially financially. For many Americans, the financial pressure of juggling job losses with medical bills, rent, mortgages, and other payments has been nothing short of overwhelming. But Congress has recently approved an economic-relief package that will provide direct financial support to those who qualify. So, what do we need to know about this relief plan, and how do we know if we qualify for a stimulus check? We’re joined today by Richard Rubin, the US tax policy reporter for the Wall Street Journal , here with us to discuss these checks. Everyday Rockstar (0:08:27) Lisa and Richie feature this week's Everyday Rockstar. You could be feature on the show too! Send your nominations to Resolving Conflict When You’re Stuck at Home (0:21:26) One of the many side effects of this virus is that our kids are suddenly cooped up at home without school or work to entertain them. This has led to some craziness in my house! And parents don’t have their usual escapes anymore either! This can lead to lots of tension and frustration where none has existed before. So how do we handle conflict when we can’t escape each other? With us today to answer this question is Emily Taylor ; she’s a certified mediator, conflict specialist, and communications trainer, with five kids of her own to practice on! Giving Hope (0:38:36) On the Lisa Show, we like to highlight people making a difference in the world. Our next guest saw an issue that has had an impact on so many people –mental illness –and she decided that she wanted to help. Instead of feeling disheartened by the heaviness that comes with mental illness, she was inspired to turn outwards and to take her hope international. After Erika Charles completed a Master’s degree in International Disaster Psychology she started a new career as a Global Mental Health and Psychosocial Support specialist, eventually leading her to start one of the only mental health organizations in Haiti: Espere –which means Hope. The Environment and Mental Health (0:50:36) There’s something peaceful about sitting in a clean room. Since we're all spending a lot of time in our homes, it's important for our mental health that our living spaces are environments that we want to be in. I know for many people with kids, or even just busy schedule though, maintaining that clean home can be difficult. So, what can we do to keep the clutter controlled? Here to share her insight with us is psychologist and author Dr. Lynn Saladino. Bravery in Adversity (1:10:24) We’ve been facing a lot of adversity in the world with COVID-19, and it’s caused a lot of worry for each of us. Some of us have lost jobs, some of us don’t know if we’ll be able to keep our job much longer and worries about the health and safety of loved ones is abundant. So, for now, and for after this crisis when we face hard things, how can we be brave in the face of adversity? Anita K. has over a decade of experience in workplace and personal coaching. We’ve invited her on the show today to discuss how she helps people manage and improve their lives in the face of adversity. Social Distancing and the Disabled (1:27:18) Social distancing has been hard for all of us but especially for those who are legally blind. The blind community is facing additional challenges that contribute to their already vulnerable state. Understanding their struggles can allow us to look for ways that we can help them during these difficult times. This morning we are talking with Manny Giminez about what it means to be blind during this pandemic. Manny is legally blind and he and his girlfriend use their YouTube channel, “ Dalesha’s life ”, to educate people about blindness.