FCC and Local News, Introverted Teachers, Goldilocks Theory

FCC and Local News, Introverted Teachers, Goldilocks Theory

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 296

  • Dec 13, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 2:27:38 mins

FCC and Local TV News (19:59) Margot Susca, a professor of journalism at American University. Since WWII, the ‘main studio rule” was put in place to ensure that news stations were hearing and serving the communities they broadcasted to.  In an effort to increase revenues for big companies, the Federal Communications Commission abolished that rule in October.  Margot Susca talks about what the effects of this decision may be. Introverted Teachers (1:10:12) Jessica Honard who is a writer, educator, and speaker. She created The Adaptive Introvert—and online community for introverted educators. Let’s imagine that you are an introvert. You tend to recharge better alone, and large groups can be draining—not that you don’t like people, you just need to be left alone sometimes. Now let’s also pretend that you are a teacher. You interact with kids, parents, and teachers all day long. You are always “on”, always performing and expending energy. And when you are done with the kids for the day, there are more meetings with parents and teachers. Jessica Honard is the author of Introversion in the Classroom. A few months back Matt Townsend spoke with Jessica Honard about the struggle of introverted teachers. Goldilocks theory of Marriage and Divorce (1:59:27) Brian Willoughby, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. Dr. Willoughby's research focuses on young adult dating and relationship patterns. Dr. Willoughby is the co-author of the book "The Marriage Paradox" Dr. Willoughby discusses the Goldilocks theory of Marriage and Divorce.

Episode Segments

Introverted Teachers

Dec 13, 2017
49 m

Jessica Honard who is a writer, educator, and speaker. She created The Adaptive Introvert—and online community for introverted educators. Let’s imagine that you are an introvert. You tend to recharge better alone, and large groups can be draining—not that you don’t like people, you just need to be left alone sometimes. Now let’s also pretend that you are a teacher. You interact with kids, parents, and teachers all day long. You are always “on”, always performing and expending energy. And when you are done with the kids for the day, there are more meetings with parents and teachers. Jessica Honard is the author of Introversion in the Classroom. A few months back Matt Townsend spoke with Jessica Honard about the struggle of introverted teachers.

Jessica Honard who is a writer, educator, and speaker. She created The Adaptive Introvert—and online community for introverted educators. Let’s imagine that you are an introvert. You tend to recharge better alone, and large groups can be draining—not that you don’t like people, you just need to be left alone sometimes. Now let’s also pretend that you are a teacher. You interact with kids, parents, and teachers all day long. You are always “on”, always performing and expending energy. And when you are done with the kids for the day, there are more meetings with parents and teachers. Jessica Honard is the author of Introversion in the Classroom. A few months back Matt Townsend spoke with Jessica Honard about the struggle of introverted teachers.