Opium, Sesame Street, Oysters, Milk!, Philistines

Opium, Sesame Street, Oysters, Milk!, Philistines

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 232

  • Aug 15, 2019 6:00 am
  • 1:41:14 mins
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The Tangled History of Opium Guest: David Blistein, co-author with John H. Halpern, "Opium: How an Ancient Flower Shaped and Poisoned our World" Our opiod epidemic is nothing new, as the Chinese could tell you--they fought for years to keep British opium out of their country, to no avail. So many cultures have tackled the double-edged sword of opium use. It's relieved more pain than it's caused, according to Blistein, but it certainly has caused a great deal of pain. What can be done about addiction today? The Voice and Heart Behind Sesame Street's Autistic Puppet, Julia  Guest: Stacey Gordon, autism advocate and puppeteer on Sesame Street Sesame Street has always led the way when it comes to teaching children to be respectful, kind, and compassionate towards others who might be different. That's especially true of their puppet Julia, who teaches kids how to interact with children who have autism. The voice, and heart, behind Julia has herself a long history in the worlds of puppetry and autism advocacy.  History on the Half Shell (originally aired May 15) Guest:  Mark Kurlansky, journalist, historian, and author "The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell" Oysters are a deliciously controversial food—exquisitely slippery and tasting of the sea, but maybe not for everyone.  But for New Yorkers, from the city's birth until the early 1900s, they played an unquestionably important role. Milk: the Raw History Guest: Mark Kurlansky, journalist, historian, and author, "Milk! A 10,000-Year Food Fracas" Milk may seem like the most commonplace item in the grocery store, but its cultural significance is broad, and its history is surprisingly complex. Mark Kurlansky, author of "Milk! A 10,000-Year Food Fracas," weighs in on the impact of this creamy beverage. Philistines: The Mysterious History of Biblical Villains Guest: Laura Mazow, Associate Professor, and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Anthropology, Eastern Carolina University Made famous by the accounts of David and Goliath and Samson and