Breaking World Records, Movie Etiquette, Holidays on a Budget, Native American Heritage Month, Avoid Post-Nuptial Remorse, Holiday Mail and Deliveries

Breaking World Records, Movie Etiquette, Holidays on a Budget, Native American Heritage Month, Avoid Post-Nuptial Remorse, Holiday Mail and Deliveries

The Lisa Show

  • Nov 14, 2019 3:00 pm
  • 1:41:09 mins
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Breaking World Records (0:00:00) Did you know that the record for most frisbee catches in one minute, most bowling balls juggled, longest time balancing a lawnmower on the chin, and over 100 more all belong to the same person? David Rush, an MIT engineering grad and motivational speaker, has put forth so much effort into accomplishing his goals that he holds the world record for the most world records. But his work ethic goes far beyond simply breaking these for the fun of it – he is certain that we can all accomplish great things in our lives. He is joining us to talk about his record-breaking and insights on his “growth mindset”.  Movie Etiquette (0:15:19) You know that feeling when the lights in the movie theatre start to go down, and you’re so excited to see this movie you’ve been waiting so long to see? Whether you’re on a date to see the newest Star Wars or you’re taking your kids to see an animated flick about talking vegetables, nothing kills the magic faster than the person in front of you taking a phone call, opening the world’s loudest bag of chips, or blatantly telling their friend all about how the movie ends. Here to help us avoid these faux pas is etiquette expert Diane Gottsman. Holidays on a Budget (0:34:45) Are you worried about staying on budget this holiday season? We’ve invited Jen Smith, who runs the website Modern Frugality, to share her tips on how to stay on budget. Native American Heritage Month (0:50:35) What do you think about when you think about the first Thanksgiving? I usually think about the story they tell us when we’re kids about the pilgrims and the Native Americans gathered around a large table. While the story is nice, as we get older and begin to understand more about the nature of our history and this country, it becomes clear that story might not be totally accurate. This month we’ve all got Thanksgiving on our minds—but it’s also Native American Heritage Month--so with more knowledge and understanding we realize that the conversations we have surrounding the month of November need to change. Here to share with us more thoughts on the subject is Simon Moya-Smith—writer, journalist and citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation.  Avoid Post-Nuptial Remorse (1:05:47) Everything was just like you dreamt it would be – you found the perfect person, fell in love, decided you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them, and you got married. Easy. But now that the honeymoon is over, you have regrets. . . So, what do you do if you have post-nuptial remorse? “Right after I said ‘I do’ I personally realized my marriage was a mistake,” says Contessa, author of the new book Innamorata (In Love). As someone who’s written about this and experienced it herself, we thought Contessa would be the perfect person to talk to about this overlooked topic. Mini Book Club (1:19:50) Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio's World's Awaiting, talks with Lisa about books everyone should try. Holiday Mail and Deliveries (1:27:31) During the holidays, we put so much thought and effort into finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones, that the thought of them being stolen off our front porch just as they arrive can cause a lot of worry. Unfortunately, porch pirating, or the act of stealing packages, is a serious issue. While we want to protect ourselves from these kinds of thieves year-round, the holidays are an especially good time to know what precautions to take. Jared Bingham has been a U.S. Postal Inspector for 16 years. He’s with us to tell us how we can ensure that our deliveries reach us.