Infrastructure Deal Impact on Commuter and Commercial Rail

Infrastructure Deal Impact on Commuter and Commercial Rail

The Lisa Show

Breaking the Rules and Teen Stress

Episode: Breaking the Rules and Teen Stress

  • Aug 16, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 14:54 mins

For years TV shows and movies have tried to predict what the future of transportation would look like. Back to the Future predicted flying cars, The Jensen’s predicted transport through the pneumatic tube, and A Space Odessey predicted commercial flights to space. Jeff Bezos has shown that these outlandish predictions may actually be closer to reality than we think. What does the future of transportation look like in the United States? Just under a week ago a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill was passed in the Senate signaling in a new era of passenger and commercial transportation. Here to tell us more about this bill and its impact on transport is rail expert John Fenton.