You Matter Marathon

You Matter Marathon

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 273 , Segment 2

Jobs Beyond Criminal Records, You Matter Marathon

Episode: Jobs Beyond Criminal Records, You Matter Marathon

  • Nov 16, 2017 5:00 pm
  • 22:21 mins

Cheryl Rice, M.S., CPCC; leadership consultant and coach, brings over 20 years experience facilitating individual and organizations change. She has advanced degrees in counseling and organization development, plus a professional coaching certification. Cheryl is also the author of the inspiring memoir, Where Have I Been All My Life? A Journey Toward Love and Wholeness. The death of a loved one has a way of causing us to reevaluate our lives. After Cheryl Rice’s mother passed away from cancer, Cheryl discovered she wasn’t truly living her life—and wasn’t allowing herself to love. Cheryl reached out to others and built on that motivation to create the You Matter Marathon which is an effort to hand out 1 million "You Matter" cards in the month of November to change the lives of those around us. Cheryl Rice shares how she changed her life by learning to love again.