Flagstaff National Monuments, Food Experiments, Ingredient Substitutions, Back to School, Mini Book Club, Modern Noah's Ark

Flagstaff National Monuments, Food Experiments, Ingredient Substitutions, Back to School, Mini Book Club, Modern Noah's Ark

The Lisa Show

  • Aug 13, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:31 mins
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Flagstaff Area National Monuments (0:00:00) Here on The Lisa Show, we want to feed your insatiable hunger for adventure. Today, we’re highlighting the Flagstaff Area National Monuments, and there are three. One of the coolest things about these monuments is that they marry nature and culture to bring us one of the most beautiful national park experiences around. We’ve invited Richard Ullman, a National Park Ranger to talk more with us about these monuments. Richard has been a National Park Ranger for over twenty-five years at parks including the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff Area National Monuments. Food Science Experiments (0:18:15) School is about to be back in session. And whether your child has their first day on a computer or at a desk, it’s important that they’re prepared. But reactivating their critical thinking skills doesn’t have to be a boring task. It can be fun and tasty for both of you! With us today we have Sergei Urban, the father of two boys and the man behind the popular YouTube channel The Dad Lab where he does fun science experiments with his sons. Today, he’s going to share his favorite food science experiments that you can easily do with your own children at home. Ingredient Substitutions (0:35:18) How many of you have been in a cooking situation where you have all the right ingredients, only to get to the bottom of the list and find out you’re missing one? Missing ingredients can be such a pain, especially if you are not in the mood to go to the grocery store for the third time. But without knowing what ingredients would work in place of the missing one, it can be scary risking your entire project for a simple substitution mistake. So how can we make what we want even without that last ingredient? This morning, we’re joined by Dave Joachim, a professional food writer and author of “The Food Substitutions Bible,” here with us to talk about how to save your recipe by just changing a few ingredients. Back to School Prep (0:52:46) School is just around the corner and we need to be prepared. During any other year, back to school prep might have included shopping, registering for your schedule, and carpool planning. But this year looks different. This year, we’re thinking about masks, hand sanitizer and social distancing. Here to share with us his tips on what we need to do to prepare our kids for COVID and other illnesses or viruses they might encounter this year is friend of the show and pediatrician Dr. Weston Spencer! Mini Book Club: 21st Century Reads (1:10:42) Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio’s Worlds Awaiting, talks with Lisa and Richie about the best contemporary books that are worth reading. Modern Day Noah’s Ark (1:25:53) When you first heard Bible stories as a kid, did you ever wish you could be there to experience them for yourself? Like with Noah and the flood for example. Curiosity led us to ask questions like how big was the ark and how did the animals fit inside? The story of Noah’s Ark continues to fascinate us today, and there have been multiple reports of people supposedly “finding” the arc or speculating about its existence. While we don’t know for sure what happened to it, you can experience a real model of it. Today we are speaking with Roger Patterson from Answers in Genesis, to talk about a life-size Noah’s ark you can visit in a Kentucky museum to see what it would have been like to be on the ancient ship.