Good Blood
  • Sep 18, 2020 6:00 am
  • 52:50 mins
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Good Blood Guest: Julian Guthrie, author, “Good Blood: A Doctor, a Donor, and the Incredible Breakthrough That Saved Millions of Babies” Rh disease was a chronic problem during pregnancy in which the mother's immune system attacked the unborn child she was carrying. Dr. John Gorman found a most improbable cure from a fourteen-year-old Australian boy who received a life-saving blood transfusion in 1951. Jonas Salk: Hero and Outcast Guest: Dr. Charlotte Jacobs, Professor, Medicine, Stanford University, and author, "Jonas Salk: A Life" America rejoiced when Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was announce on April 12, 1955. Polio had terrified the nation for decades, and within 25 years the disease was eradicated in the US. The public and press loved Jonas Salk, so why did his colleagues sideline him?