Jambalaya Fifty-Four

Jambalaya Fifty-Four

The Apple Seed

  • Jan 27, 2016 7:00 pm
  • 58:14 mins
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Story: Politics Teller: Jay O' Callahan Website: www.ocallahan.com Note: You're never too young to get involved in politics. Story: The Swan Tenor Teller: Bob Reiser Website: www.bobtales.com Note: A temperamental tenor sings the swan song for his singing career. Story: The Sleeping Porch Teller: Jane Stenson Website: janestenson.com Note: Through beautiful imagery, Jane Stenson paints a whimsical portrait of summer. Story: The Magic Fish  Teller: Heather Forest Website: www.heatherforest.com Note: A classic and magical Heather Forest treatment of a popular folk tale.