Student Athletes, Checking Bags, Refreshing Your Home, Effects of Lying, Mini Book Club, Working Out in Groups

Student Athletes, Checking Bags, Refreshing Your Home, Effects of Lying, Mini Book Club, Working Out in Groups

The Lisa Show

  • Jan 16, 2020 1:00 pm
  • 1:41:06 mins
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Parenting a Student Athlete (0:00:00) It’s the last 10 seconds of your 16-year-old’s high school basketball game and your kid misses the game-winning shot. The game ends in disappointment, and your kid is devastated. As a parent, you’re upset too... but you also want to be supportive... What do you say to your child after the game? Parenting student athletes comes with a whole other set of challenges. Today we’re joined by career coach and radio personality Dr. Marty Nemko to talk with us about how to deal with those challenges and be good parents to our kids who are also student athletes. Checking Bags (0:15:48) Last year alone, airlines lost or mishandled at least one point seven MILLION pieces of luggage... according to the Lost Luggage Report of 2019.That’s an average of two-pointseven luggage problems per two thousand passengers, which is a significant amount! We’ve decided to get to the bottom of this issue once and for all: is it worth your money to check your bag when you fly? With us today is Natalie Compton, a travel writer who has covered travel and food on every continent. Refreshing Your Home on a Budget (0:31:51) If home is where the heart is, shouldn’t we make our home as comfortable and inspiring as possible? In my opinion, home is the most important space we occupy, and how we feel in it is invaluable. But sometimes, despite your hard work to make your home a nice place to be, it needs a little refreshing. Well today we’ve invited Allison Bean, from The Spruce, onto the show to share how we can refurbish our home on a budget. Physical Effects of Lying (0:50:32) While some people have a stone-cold poker face, others squirm uncomfortably at the slightest thought of dishonesty. Their faces distort as they tell a lie. Some, like in the recent movie "Knives Out," even puke as they fabricate falsehoods. It seems like lying has a physical effecton us. Here to tell us what happens to our bodies and brains when we lie and why we have these reactions is author and scientist Dr. Bill Sullivan. Mini Book Club: Quick Reads (1:06:33) Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio's Worlds Awaiting, talks with Lisa and Richie about the books that are perfect for when you don't have much time. Working Out in Groups (1:26:02) Many of the new year’s goals we set are fitness related and while they come from a place of determination it can be hard to stick with them. Finding a group to workout with just might solve that problem! Working out with other people has been proven to raise motivation and even make exercise more enjoyable. Here to share some of her experience with group exercise is Emily Nelson. Emily is the co-founder of the popular fitness class, HIGH Fitness.