Stories from Nature
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 598
- May 31, 2017 6:00 am
- 55:58 mins
The natural world is enchanting. And we occasionally lose touch with that in the rush of our daily lives. For those of us who get caught up in our city and suburban lives, a return to nature can provide us with a breath of fresh air and a sense of rejuvination. However sometimes our circumstances or location don't allow us easy access to the majestic beauties of nature and to assuage that problem we've got stories about the awe-some wonder of the natural world. Stories and poems included in this episode: A Bronco Shod With Wings (1:51) A poem written by Henry Herbert Knibbs and performed by Jerry Brooks. Learn more about the cowboy poet and woman who spent time living off of fresh trout, Jerry Brooks, by visiting Donald Davis Compilation (6:14) Stories from Donald's album "Grand Canyon" that are about his love of National Parks and the adventures that he's had in them. The stories are: Paying Taxes, Visiting Our Property, We Meet Shirley and the Mules, and The River Trail. Learn more about Donald Davis by visiting The Great Bear (25:35) An Iroquois tale that illustrates the importance of man and nature living in harmony together. Fran Yardley believes in the healing aspect of storytelling and she's been running workshops on that belief for more than 25 years. You can learn more about Fran and her workshops by visiting Discovery and Danger on the Prairie (37:46) A narrative retelling of Lewis and Clark's westward expedition. You can find more stories like this on Jim Weiss's album "Gone West: Bold Adventures of American Explorers and Pioneers". Discover more about Jim Weiss by visiting The Spruce Grouse (45:29) Doug's personal story about finding a unique bird in a grove of spruce trees and becoming a wildlife artist. Doug Elliott is also a herbalist and basketmaker in addition to being a storyteller. Find more of his work at