Why Time Off is Important

Why Time Off is Important

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 657 , Segment 1

Pandemic Networking and Stable Relationships

Episode: Pandemic Networking and Stable Relationships

  • Feb 16, 2021 1:00 pm
  • 16:05 mins

Do you try and save all of your vacation days to use once a year? Well maybe you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good. Vacation days aren’t just nice, they’re also healthy for us. Interestingly enough, the US is the most overworked developed nation in the world. When we overwork, we can get physically sick, perform worse at our jobs, and even suffer emotionally. So how can we become better at taking breaks to improve our mental health? Today we will be talking with licensed therapist Lisa Randall on why time off is important, and how we can use that time to improve our mental and emotional health.