San José, UFOs, Petra, Electric Eels

San José, UFOs, Petra, Electric Eels

Constant Wonder

  • Dec 3, 2019 9:00 pm
  • 1:41:12 mins
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Discovering the San José’s $17 Billion Treasure Guest: Jeff Kaeli, Research Engineer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI),  In 2015, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution discovered the San José, a sunken ship from 1708 loaded with treasure valued up to $17 billion. The Navy Never Wanted You to Know about UFOs Guest: Iain Boyd, H. T. Sears Memorial Professor and Faculty Director of National Security Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado The military finally verified UFO sightings. What might possibly be out there and how much will we ever know of what the government knows?  Charles Schulz Told His Story in "Peanuts" Guest: Benjamin L. Clark, curator, Charles M. Schulz Museum Even though he hated the name "Peanuts," Charles Schulz told his life story in the beloved comic strip. Jeff Simpson, our Special Collections producer, explores a museum honoring this life.  Restoring Petra Guest: Cynthia Finlayson, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Brigham Young University, and director, Ad-Deir Monument and Plateau Project  Petra is still churning out some incredible archaeological discoveries that provide more clues about the ancient civilization that thrived there 2,000 years ago. These discoveries might just be able to help better conserve this ancient city for future generations.  Electric Eels are Shockingly Cool Guest: Will Crampton, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Central Florida It was recently discovered that there are multiple species of electric eel.  Electrophorus voltai, one newly discovered species, has emitted shocks of up to 860 volts. Down to Earth  Guests: Rachel Mabey Whipple, member, Board of Directors, Nature Conservancy’s Utah chapter; Clint Whipple,  Associate Professor, Biology, Brigham Young University This husband and wife duo try to live responsibly in the spirit of Earth stewardship, and they say that if you make big decisions to conserve energy, you avoid having to make dozens of little decisions every day.